Breastfeeding saves the mothers of the most serious diseases of this age!

by 04:17 0 commentaires

Revealed a US study published recently, conducted by researchers in Auckland, the US state of California, that mothers who breastfeed their children, declining to be diabetes type II.
The study included 1035 women data analysis, After two years of exposure to gestational diabetes, the researchers noted injuring about 12 percent of diabetes Type II, later.
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Follow-up revealed that women who Antzmn in breastfeeding, have succeeded in reducing their chances of contracting diabetes type II, ranged between 17 to 12%, and the Algluckozankhvdt levels during lactation, and decreased demand for insulin.
The researchers explained that breastfeeding for Nhouchreinn, associated with a reduction of about 50% of the risk of developing diabetes type II, between mothers who have already been exposed to gestational diabetes in the past, and that the longer the period of breastfeeding, the more protection rates of diabetes increased, according to "Al Jazeera ".
Said Dr. Erica Gunderson, who led the study: "The who suffer from obesity, Ooosbn gestational diabetes, the most need to Turkazaaly breastfeeding, for the prevention of diabetes type II."




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